Presbyterian Women
Forgiven and freed by god in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice, and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s Kingdom.
Who: For every woman member of the church (and many of our friends).
How: Martha Ruth Circle: Our circle meets at the homes of our members at 9:00 a.m. on the 4th Tuesday of every month. We have light refreshments and a short business meeting and are currently studying the Book of Revelation. We encourage new members and invite all to attend. More information is available from Lee Pickett, 815-985-6967 or Delores Hall, 815-633-1784. We are studying the General Epistles this year.
We support local and worldwide missions, including some of our church upkeep with a yearly budget of over $8600.00. To do this we involve ourselves with several fund raising projects during the year. Our fall project is the Fall Dinner and country store typically in October each year. We also have a spring dinner and a May luncheon or tea. All these events are open to the public.
Mission giving to Birthday Offering is a project of our annual retreat in June. The Thank Offering is part of our church wide giving taken during the service the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day. One of our committee preset the tables, prepares, and serves the meat (ham balls!!) and potatoes for the potluck lunch following this service.
At our annual meeting to elect officers we stress a local mission. This year we are privileged to tour the Goldie Floberg facility at Dorr and Rockton Roads in Roscoe in September.
A monthly meeting of the Coordinating Team meeting (all officers and committee chair are involved) plan the activities. PW/CT normally meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the church.
Inclusiveness:Â All of our meetings are open to any who would care to join us.
Each year we publish a booklet containing information about scheduled events and a list of all officers. Contact the church office 815-885-3455 for a book or more information.
PW Prepares Traditional Ham Ball Dinner
Following the worship service on November 20th which also provided for the annual Congregational Meeting, the Presbyterian Women served up their traditional Ham Ball fixin’s. This years event was chaired by Barb Greenlee and with her extraordinary culinary talents she laid out quite a spread.
Thanks to all who brought a dish to pass and helped out in so many ways before and after the meal.