Sunday School

As we gear up for starting school, let’s gear up for nurturing our faith!

Beginning September 8th Sunday school will meet from 9 – 9:45am. Come and see what there is to learn about your faith & your God. There will be enough love and nurture for everyone!

Megan Rankin will teach in the nursery (infants –4 year olds) as they learn what it means to be a Child of God in the Household of God.

April Rottman & Karli Rankin will teach the children (K-6th grades) using homemade curriculum to fully explore Bible stories using crafts, cooking, drama, video and more!

Gary Wallace, Adam Finley, Denise Felton, and Dana Peterson will teach the youth (7th—12th grades) using the Nooma (Spirit) video curriculum in a discussion format.

Pastor Judith will teach the adults (ages 19-99) using the Animate! video curriculum, an adult education course that explores central topics of Christianity. Pastor will provide a lesson of biblical/historical context to create an accessible, captivating exploration of big questions of the Christian faith designed to spark conversation .